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Dr Charlotte Webb - Chartered Consultant Clinical Psychologist

AFBPsS.,C.Psychol.,Clin Psy.D.,B.A. (Hons)

Dr Charlotte Webb is Clinical Director of Webb Whitfield Psychology Services Limited, which she has owned since 2018. Charlotte is a Clinical Psychologist who specialises in working with children, young people and their families, and professionals within mental health and adoption services.

In 2004, Charlotte completed a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at Coventry & Warwick Universities. She worked for 5 years with Coventry CAMHS Looked After Services, for 3 years with Solihull’s Specialist Fostering Service as co-clinical lead running and then mainstreaming the MTFC government programme, and for 2 years at Consultant level with Warwickshire CAMHS assessing, diagnosing and supporting children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.


Since, 2014, Charlotte has worked in independent practice. She worked as an Associate with Phoenix Psychology Group (2013-2020). Charlotte has completed further training including a management certificate, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) training with Paul Stallard (UK recognised CBT expert), and Attachment Based Family Therapy (Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy, and was previously registered as a DDP Practitioner).


Charlotte designed, delivered and developed a specialist training programme for Solihull foster carers, ‘Fostering Resilience’ which is now part of their core training. She was interviewed for an article in The Telegraph titled ‘The Higher Cost of Raising a Child with Autism: and the extra strain it puts on parents’, 13.09.2019. She has written a paper with Emma Williams ( regarding the benefits of Equine Therapy.

Charlotte has a special interest in children’s mental health (particularly anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, self-harm), attachment related difficulties, developmental trauma and Autism Spectrum Disorder (including Neurodevelopmental Assessments). She prefers to work holistically to understand a child’s needs and in a joined-up way building networks to support children and families.

Having worked for many years in Warwickshire and Solihull, Charlotte has a network of professionals within the NHS, education support services and independent sector whom she links with to support her practice, to work jointly where required, and to support parents and children to access the most appropriate assessment and treatment plans.

Chartered Psychologist Logo - Individual

Charlotte is registered as a Clinical Psychologist with the BPS (British Psychological Society;;) and also have Associate Fellow and Chartered status with the BPS. The title ‘Associate Fellow’ is “awarded in recognition of several years’ experience and contribution to the field of psychology”. The title of ‘chartered psychologist’ is “legally recognised and reflects only the highest standard of psychological knowledge and expertise.”

Charlotte is registered as a Practitioner Psychologist with the HCPC (Health & Care Professions Council;

Dr Lisa Ingleby - Clinical Psychologist

Clin Psy.D.,BSc.

Dr Lisa Ingleby is a Clinical Psychologist and has worked in the NHS for 17 years across several different settings. She currently works in Learning Disability Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services working systemically with children, young people, and their families. Lisa has been an Associate with WWPS since January 2024.

She works integratively, drawing on a range of models such as Non-Violent Resistance Therapy (NVR), supporting parents to develop confidence and connection in parenting their children with complex needs and challenging behaviours. She is also trained in Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) for complex trauma and has completed Foundation Level Theraplay training.


Lisa trained at the University of Leicester, completing her Clinical Psychology Doctorate in 2015. Her doctoral thesis focussed on the experience of hospice workers and their patients. She has developed specialist group interventions such as emotional regulation skills workshops for adults with Learning Disabilities and their carers and Psychological Skills Training groups for adults with mental health difficulties.

Lisa has a specialist interest in Neurodiversity and cares passionately about increasing understanding and effective intervention for children, young people, and adults who are affected by neurodevelopmental conditions and neurotypes. She believes in the transformative effect of neuroaffirmative language and practices, to help children and young people thrive and to appreciate the gifts that these conditions can bring. She also does not underestimate the challenges that these conditions can bring and enjoys working across settings such as home and school to bring about change and reduce psychological distress.

Lisa has known Dr Webb professionally and personally since early in her career as an Assistant Psychologist in Looked After Childrens services. She is very happy to connect again professionally offering ASD assessment and post-diagnostic support to children and their families.


Lisa is registered as a Practitioner Psychologist with the HCPC (Health & Care Professions Council;

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